Circle the City Corridor, River, and Necklace Ride
Sunday, July 15, 2012

To celebrate Boston's second Circle the City event, we'll do a 12-mile circle around a piece of the city on existing and future bikepaths. From Green St. Station, we'll bike down the Stony Brook valley following the Pierre Lallement Southwest Corridor Bike Path to Mass. Ave., where we'll continue on the Southwest Corridor to Back Bay Station. We'll take Dartmouth St., which sometimes has bike lanes, to a bridge over Storrow Drive and follow the Charles River Bikepath upstream to the bridge to Silber Way at Boston University. We'll connect to the Emerald Necklace via Park Drive and follow it back to Arnold Arboretum using some creative interpretations of where it goes. Leaving the Arboretum we'll follow Bussey Brook to Stony Brook at Forest Hills, bike through the Orange Line Station and follow the Southwest Corridor back to Green St.

This ride is sponsored by the Boston Cyclists Union and the Circle the City project.

[May 12 Preview Ride from Franklin Park]
[June 24 Ride from Franklin Park] [Morning Ride through Dorchester and Roxbury]
[July 15 Corridor, River, and Necklace Ride] [August 5 Bike Path Loop Ride]



route map

Getting There


Take the Southwest Corridor to Green St.


Take Orange Line to Green St. Station (next to last southbound).

Bailout points

Orange Line stations along the Southwest Corridor.
Green Street map
Click for Google Maps