It started snowing Thursday morning and is going to snow harder through Friday.
I biked to work this morning through fairly light snow and home tonight through
more snow on the ground and lower temperatures. Many workplaces were
dismissed early, so people would be home before the peak of the storm, but as
usual, I kept working until those people are off the roads, so I left few
hours later, at 6:30, when the snow had let up a bit.
It was really cold, though, 10F when I got home at 8:00 after a stop to
shop and warm up a bit. I stayed mostly on major streets, which were fairly
clear, though seldom to bare pavement.
Arnold Arboretum
1.5 miles of park roads which are mostly closed to automobile traffic
with no intersections
Boston Parks and Harvard University
Not checked, but I'm sure that it is plowed, though
the surfaces will be icy.
Blackwell Footpath
A half-mile gravel path connecting the Forest Hills MBTA station and the
South St. Arboretum entrance
Boston Parks and Harvard University
I didn't check it, but it is certainly not plowed and icy
Roslindale Bike Lanes
Two miles of bike lanes on both sides of Washington St. from Forest Hills
to Roslindale Square and to West Roxbury on Belgrade Ave.
Boston Public Works Department
Narrowed significantly by cars parked out from the curb, but clear
Arborway "Bike Lanes"
1 mile of wide paved shoulder which is unmarked but usually clear of
parked cars during rush hour
Department of Conservation and Recreation,
Not checked yet.
Franklin Park Roads
Much of the park loop road is closed to motorized traffic
and there are bike lanes on the main road.
Boston Parks and Public Works Departments
Andy and Phil showed on Facebook that Glen Rd. was plowed on Saturday.
No report on the rest or the Circuit Drive bike lanes.
Centre/South Bike Lanes
A mile of bike lanes through the heart of Jamaica Plain from Jackson
Square and the Southwest Corridor to Forest Hills
Boston Public Works Department
Not visible through packed snow, but often plowed as well as the rest of
the street
Jamaicaway Bikepath
1.5 miles of mostly bike/ped-separated paths paralleling
a busy 4-lane parkway; two intersections with traffic lights
Boston Parks Deparment
By Monday night, the path was clear and largely dry. Watch for black ice
on Tuesday, though.
Thursday morning, it was plowed to a thin layer of snow, but didn't look
very good north of Perkins St. Thursday night, the Brookline side looked
better, so I took it, and the stretch I biked in the morning had lots of
drifting snow.
Perkins St. Bike Lanes
1.5 miles of mostly bike/ped-separated paths paralleling
a busy 4-lane parkway; two intersections with traffic lights
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Under packed snow and not really ridable
Olmsted Park Paths
3/4-mile of mostly bike/ped-separated paths built over Riverdale Road,
across Leverett Pond from the Jamaicaway.
Brookline Park Department
Totally clear on Monday night, but watch for black ice as it freezes.
I rode the bike path Thursday night while the snow was still falling, and
it had only an inch or so of snow on it all of the way from Route 9 south
to the Chestut St. parking lot.
Parkway and Netherlands Rd. Contraflow bike lanes
Two one-block contra-flow lanes plus and contraflow cycle
Brookline Park Department and DPW
The bike lane wasn't clear Thursday morning, nor was the cycle track.
I contraflowed the road.
Muddy River Path
12-foot-wide 0.6 mile shared bike/ped path with no intersections
Brookline Park Department and DPW
Clear, often dry pavement on Monday night.
This was well-plowed Thursday morning, and I expect the plows kept up.
Commonwealth Ave. Bike Lanes
Connecting the B.U. Bridge to Boston University
Boston Transportation Department
Pavement is clear by Monday, but cars are often parked on the lanes.
Barely visible around the BU Bridge
Brookline Bike Lanes
Town of Brookline
Thursday night, I rode the length of Harvard St., and the bike lanes
were often, but not always, plowed.
B. U. Bridge Bike Lanes
Boston to Cambridge
Department of Conservation and Recreation,
Plowed By Mass. Highway Department
Aaron Pikcilingis reported on Monday: The BU bridge lanes were mostly clear.
That puddle on the upriver side at the top (the one that is always there)
will be awful tomorrow.
Thursday morning, the bike lanes were not really there, and I rode on the
right tire track in the right travel lane.
B. U. Bridge west sidewalk
Boston to Cambridge
Department of Conservation and Recreation,
Plowed By Mass. Highway Department or B.U.
Clear to wet pavement Monday morning
Harvard (Mass. Ave.) Bridge bike lanes
Cambridge to Boston
Department of Conservation and Recreation,
Plowed By Mass. Highway Department
No report, but probably snow-packed on Thursday
Longfellow Bridge bike lanes
Cambridge to Boston
Department of Conservation and Recreation,
Plowed By Mass. Highway Department
Not checked yet, but probably narrowed.
Charles River Bikepaths
Narrow, shared bike-ped path with few intersections
Department of Conservation and Recreation
By noon on Monday, the Cambridge side was clear to wet pavement
from the BU Bridge past Harvard Square.
Aaron reports on Monday: The Boston bank of the Charles
River path appeared to have a snow- and ice-free lane down
the middle. I'll try it tonight. Sure to be awful tomorrow.
J.F.K. Park
Wide, shared bike-ped path from river to Harvard Square
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Monday morning, it was wet pavement.
Thursday evening, it was plowed and bikeable through a coating of snow.
Western Ave. Cycletrack
Cambridge DPW
Not checked yet.
Western Ave. Cycletrack
Boston DPW
Not checked yet
N. Harvard St. bike lanes
Boston DPW
Thursday night, they weren't visible through packed snow.
Lincoln St. to Cambridge St. MassPike Bridge
Bike/Ped connection from Harvard Square to Allston's Harvard Ave.
district via Franklin St.
Massachusetts Turnpike Authority
Trhursday night, Franklin St. looked lots snowier than N. Harvard St., so I biked to
Cambridge St. on N. Harvard rather than using the footbridge.
Southwest Corridor Bikepath
Separated Bike/Ped path with poorly-designed intersections
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Monday mid-day, the paths were wet pavement for Forest Hills to Ruggles.
By Saturday afternoon, both paths were plowed to packed poweder with
occasional bare pavement from Forest Hills north past Green St.,
where I got off.
Marc reports: I rode the SW corridor Thurs at 9am and 3pm.
Relatively freshly plowed in the a.m., but not in the p.m.
Really unplowed S of Rox Cross.
South Bay Harbor Trail
Bike/Ped path from the Federal Court House up Fort Point Channel
to the Southwest Corridor
City of Boston
Not checked.
Neponset Trail
Mostly paved Bike/Ped path
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Bike Milton reports on Monday: DCR plows the Neponset Greenway trail,
so you can walk or even bike to your local train station. There
are still some slushy spots, but the trail is open from Dorchester
to the Neponset Valley Parkway in Hyde Park. The trail along the
Neponset Valley Parkway is plowed from Paul's Bridge to Route 138.
Somerville Community Path
Wide rail trail from Davis Square to Cedar St.
City of Somerville
Not checked, but probably plowed.
Red Line Linear Park Path
Alewife MBTA station to Davis Square over Red Line
City of Cambridge
City of Somerville
Not checked, but probably plowed
Danehy Park Paths
City of Cambridge
Not checked, but probably plowed
Cambridge Bike Lanes
Striped lanes of varying widths on major and connecting streets
City of Cambridge
Aaron reported on Monday: Mt. Auburn bikes lanes through Harvard Square
are partially blocked by snow, and where they have those bus parking areas
next to them probably blocked, in part, by a bus or two.
On Thursday morning, the bike lanes were not very usable.
Vassar St. Cycle Track
Buffered bike lanes from Main St. to Memorial Drive (almost)
City of Cambridge
Not checked.
Fresh Pond Bike Path
Parallel to Fresh Pond Parkway in Kingsley Park
City of Cambridge
Not checked yet
Alewife Brook Trail
Stone dust and boardwalk sections are never plowed.
No report on the rest.
Fitchburg Cutoff Trail
No report on this trail which runs west from Alewife MBTA station.
Concord Ave. Cycle Track
Buffered bike lanes from Belmont to Fresh Pond Parkway
City of Cambridge
Not checked yet.
Alewife Parkway Bridge Sidewalk
Connection from Minuteman Bikepath to Fresh Pond and beyond
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Not checked yet.
Minuteman "Commuter Bikeway"
Towns of Cambridge, Arlington, Lexington, and Bedford
Bruce Kulik rode from Bedford Depot to Mill Street, Arlington, 7:30pm Monday:
All ice gone. Almost dry in some places. Wet from Lexington Center through
Great Meadows. Several large puddles remain.
NOTABLY: West side of Hancock Street. West side of Woburn Street. Just west of
Lexington Depot. All in Lexington Center. Chronic puddle at Seasons Four.
A few other sporadic puddles that span the entire path. These will all turn
to ice overnight and remain frozen throughout the day.
Use caution for Tuesday's commute.
Bruce Kulik reports Monday morning: Generally the same as Peter's
report as of 9:00am this morning from Mill Street to Bedford Depot.
Some ice patches and puddles extend across trail and are unavoidable.
Bridges are icy. Surprisingly the 128 bridge is fine.
WATCH OUT for ice patch underwater at the Lexington Center side of the
Woburn Street crossing. I went down but didn't get hurt or damage the bike.
Beyond Bedford Street, Rt 4 is dryer than the rest until Wiggens to
Bedford Depot which has longitudinal ice patches, some quite large.
Peter Davis reports on Monday: I rode the Minuteman from Arlington
Heights (Bow St.) to Alewife this morning at about 8:00. It was generally
clear, but with a few slushy and icy patches, especially on the bridges.
There are also some large puddles on the stretch between Linwood St. and
Lake St. Overall, pretty easy, but caution is advised.
Terry reports on Saturday: The bike path looks fine in Bedford
and going into Lexington (Depot to Hartwell Ave).
Rod Holland reports on Friday: The Minuteman appears to be plowed in Arlington
and Lexington (at least between Arlington Center and Lexington Center).
Some crossing points are sloppy.
Upper Charles Reservation
Watertown, Newton, Waltham
4+ miles of paved and unpaved bikepaths
Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation
Jon Allen reported on Sunday from Waltham:
Riverwalk Watertown-Waltham at Elm Street in Waltham: Not plowed.
Sidewalks on bridge also not plowed
Riverwalk Moody Street-Prospect Street Waltham: Not plowed.
Sidewalks plowed on Moody Street Bridge; west sidewalk only
plowed on Gold Star Mothers' Bridge (Prospect Street)
Riverwalk upstream of Gold Star Mothers Bridge, behind watch factory:
closed for construction project.
Riverwalk after watch factory, to Woerd Avenue: not checked,
but probably couldn't be plowed -- soft surface.
Mt Feake Cemetery roadways, Prospect Street to Sawyer Road
(Brandeis-Roberts commuter rail station): Plowed and clear.
Short walk through packed snow around gate at back of cemetery.
Brandeis University roadways and paths: magnificently plowed and clear.
Waltham streets: plowed but minor residential streets (like those in my neighborhood)
not salted -- packed snow -- and that's why I rode downtown by way of the Brandeis
campus rather than on neighborhood streets!
Sidewalks in Waltham -- a very mixed bag.
Revere Beach Reservation
Shared use paths (or very wide sidewalks)
Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation
No report yet.
Northern Strand Community Trail
Everett and Malden
Shared use path
Everett and Malden DPW
No Report.
Stony Brook Reservation
Hyde Park
4+ miles of paved bikepaths
Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation
These paths aren't plowed because they get relatively little transportation
use and because they are used by cross-country skiers like me. There
are marked narrow bike lanes on Enneking Parkway through the
reservation which are probably clear.
Former Metropolitan State Hospital
Belmont, Waltham
paved bikepaths
Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation
Not checked yet.
Assabet River Rail Trail
Hudson and Marlborough, so far
Town of Hudson, City of Marlborough
(so far)
Not checked, but probably not plowed.
Northampton Bikeway
East-west across the City of Northampton
City of Northampton
Craig Della Penna, who lives next to the path, has reported that
it is the intention of the DPW to make it passable ASAP after a storm.
If the storm is significant, then they plow it repeatedly --sometimes
10-12 times during the course of the storm to ensure its usability.
Norwottuck Rail Trail
Northampton to Amherst
Department of Conservation and Recreation
No report.