MassBikePike Tour, Deerfield to Winchendon, MA
Saturday, August 3, 2013

I got a late start after too long a breakfast dissertation on the nature of abutter opposition to bike paths in all of the cases with which I have first-hand experience. After shaking my tent (sort of) dry and recovering the stuff I left in the shower last night, I headed off on the wrong route, deciding after I learned that fact that this would be the best day to stretch myself on the long route since I was on it anyway. I saw a heron right next to the road, though it flew away before I could get its picture. There was a very long, steep hill to the first rest stop, after which I decided to proceed on the short route for the rest of the day. After arriving in Winchendon too late for the annual Chili Cook-Off, we set up on the playing fields of the Winchendon School and after another nice dining hall dinner, the sky was finally clear enough for sky watching. Some people even got up at 4:00 am to watch the Space Station go by.

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All photos are by Jessica Mink,
You may use any of these images with credit to the photographer.

Breaking Camp and Crossing the River

Waterfall in Sunderland

Rest Stop in Wendell

Athol, MA

Winchendon, MA

Winchendon School

[August 2]

[August 4]