To: Interested Parties
From: Daniel F. Beagan, Director, Bureau of Transportation Planning and Development
Date: October 20, 1997
Subject: Review of Draft State Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plans
Thank you for your continued interest in the State Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plans. These plans are now available for review at all 13 Regional Planning Agency (RPA) offices, and the State Transportation Building Library (2nd floor, 10 Park Plaza, Boston 02116, (617) 973-8000). The locations and telephone numbers for the RPAs are listed below. Please contact them for hours of operation and travel directions.
Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 26, 1997. Your written comments can be submitted in the following ways:
For the Bicycle Plan: Contact Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB)
Fax: (617) 924-2286
Mail: VHB, 101 Walnut Street, PO BOX 9151, Watertown, MA 02272
Attention all of the above to P. Smith
For the Pedestrian Plan: Contact Wallace Floyd Associates Inc. (WFA)
Fax: (617) 423-1094
Mail: WFA, 286 Congress Street, 4th floor, Boston, MA 02210
Attention all of the above to J. Purdy
Regional Planning Agency (RPA) Locations/Telephones
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC)
33 Dunham Mall, Pittsfield, MA 01201, (413) 442-1521
Cape Cod Commission(CCC)
3225 Main Street, Barnstable, MA 02630, (508) 362-3828
Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
20 Washington Square, Suite 300, Worcester, MA 01604-4013, (508)756-7717
Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Court House, 425 Main Street, Greenfield, MA 01301, (413) 774-1193
Martha's Vineyard Commission (MVC)
PO BOX 1447, Oak Bluffs, MA 02557, (508) 693-3453
Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
160 Main Street, Haverhill, MA 01830, (508) 374-0519
Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
1427 Water Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420, (508) 345-7376
Nantucket Planning and Economic Development Commission (NPEDC)
One East Chestnut Street, Nantucket, MA 02554, (508) 228-7233
Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Gallagher Terminal, Floor 3B, 115 Thorndike Street, Lowell, MA 01852, (508) 454-8021
Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
70 School Street, Brockton, MA 02401, (508) 583-1833
Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
26 Central Street, West Springfield, MA 01089, (413) 781-6045
Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD)
88 Broadway, Taunton, MA 02780, (508) 824-1367
Program Area: Implementation
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. The Statewide Bicycle 1a. Address and recommend DEM, MassHighway Transportation Plan is part of the implementation measures through the evolving process to plan for better Massachusetts Bicycle Advisory Board. bicycling and walking conditions The Board, which has a legislative locally, regionally and statewide in charge to "advise the departments on Massachusetts. Implementation of this matters relative to bicycle plan will build upon efforts to date transportation," can, with public and in improving bicycling conditions. agency input, recommend implementation MassHighway, BTP&D, BayState Roads measures. Program 1b. Continue to provide state-of-the-practice information to state, regional and local agencies. Continue to incorporate current bicycle material in the MassHighway Design Manual as appropriate. Continue to develop and distribute material to update the MassHighway publication "Building Better Bicycling: A Manual for Improving Community Bicycling Conditions." Bicycle transportation engineering, education, enforcement and encouragement practice has continued to change since then. As the Bicycle Plan process has indicated, the RPAs, Commonwealth communities and others seek current technical information on: AASHTO and MassHighway bicycle facility design guidance; applicable MUTCD Affected agencies material; methodologies for assessing bicycle demand and usage; methodologies for evaluating roadways and paths; other measures to promote bicycle use, such as mapping and parking; initiating and funding bicycle projects; regional and local bicycle transportation plans and advisory committees; listings of resources; and other practical topics. 1c. Coordinate Bicycle Plan implementation with Pedestrian Plan implementation, and with other initiatives as applicable.
Program Area: Assessing Bicycle Accommodation on Roadways
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. The existing roadway system is 1a. Continue to study traffic flow, BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns central to establishing a roadway cross section, and other comprehensive network of bicycle characteristics that affect bicycle facilities. A methodology to evaluate travel within existing roadway the accommodation of bicycles on corridors. BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns existing roadways is a useful step in identifying opportunities to improve 1b. Continue to identify agencies that bicycle travel. Traffic flow and use these traffic and roadway data for BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns roadway cross section characteristics planning and engineering applications. are key indicators of how well a roadway accommodates bicycles. A 1c. Continue to coordinate existing comprehensive data collection program data collection and management BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns coupled with a Geographic Information activities to meet the needs of the System (GIS) are useful in applying methodology developed as part of this the methodology developed as part of Plan. BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns this plan. 1d. Continue to compile existing data in database format (inventory file) BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns that meets the needs of all involved agencies. 1e. Tie this database to the Commonwealth's existing Geographic Information System (GIS). 1f. Support a long-term roadway data collection and management program that meets the bicycle program needs of state, regional and local agencies.
Program Area: Assessing Bicycle Accommodation on Roadways (continued)
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 2. It is important to identify 2a. Evaluate bicycle accommodation on BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns roadways that do not currently roadways in important travel corridors accommodate bicycling well and then as part of the ongoing transportation evaluate treatments to better planning process. BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns accommodate bicycle travel on these roadways. A methodology to rate 2b. Identify roadway segments with bicycle accommodation on roadways is a lower bicycle accommodation ratings in useful step in identifying corridors of existing and potential BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns opportunities to improve bicycle higher demand for bicycling. travel. 2c. Identify roadway improvements and other measures to address the needs identified in 2. Improve conditions for bicycling within these travel BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns corridors, using state-of-the-practice design. Where built improvements are not feasible, explore and utilize other BTP&D, MDC, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns improvement options. 2d. Prioritize projects and implement in conjunction with on-going construction program. 2e. Continue to monitor developments in the evolving field of assessing bicycle accommodation. Access federal, state and other research and apply as applicable to Massachusetts conditions. Conduct additional research as warranted. Provide technical transfer services to regions, localities and others with need to know.
Program Area: Bicycle Path Development
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. This plan provides a basic overview In order to have a full understanding of the status of bicycle path of potential trail corridors available development in Massachusetts and in the Massachusetts, two courses of explores potential opportunities for action are recommended. developing a more extensive network of EOTC, BTP&D, RPAs/MPOs, DEM publicly owned bicycle paths across 1a. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts the state. However, the Commonwealth should continue its efforts in does not have an up-to-date assessment conducting a complete statewide of abandoned rail and other potential assessment of abandoned rail and other corridors or a statewide trails plan. potential corridors. This study would Without this information, it is consist of a detailed inventory, difficult to weigh the full benefits including map, of abandoned rail of individual path development corridors and a thorough physical projects. examination to assess the integrity of each corridor (e.g., does the corridor remain intact or has development encroached on the corridor). Assessments previously conducted by DEM, CTPS, MAPC, and others would be incorporated. The statewide inventory should also address corridor ownership. A more extensive picture of the potential resources available for DEM, MDC, MWRA, RPAs/MPOs, cities and development of bicycle paths is the end towns result. The information that a statewide corridor assessment will provide can help determine where important missing links in a statewide network of bicycle paths exist and where the state may want to focus financial resources for development. 1b. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts should prepare a State Trails Plan. This plan will include an evaluation of corridors within the state that can serve as paths including river, aqueduct, railroad, canal and utility rights-of-way. This plan is another resource that will identify potential bicycle paths.
Program Area: Bicycle Path Development (continued)
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 2. Additional railroad corridors may 2a. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts EOTC, DEM, RPAs, local government become available for acquisition and should continue to work to successfully agencies, RTAs, MDC. development as bicycle paths. obtain railroad corridors that are proposed for abandonment approval from the Surface Transportation Board (formerly known as the Interstate Commerce Commission), the federal agency that regulates Class 1 railroads. 2b. Massachusetts General Law (Chapter 161C) passed in 1973 authorizes the Commonwealth to acquire active and abandoned railroad corridors and requires that any railroad company intending to sell or dispose of a EOTC, DEM, RPAs, local government railroad corridor offer it for sale to agencies, RTAs, MDC. the state before it is offered to the public. The Commonwealth should continue to act upon such offers when the corridor has the potential to become part of a statewide network of bicycle paths. Identify available financial resources to facilitate such purchases.
Program Area: Bicycle Path Development (continued)
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 3. Massachusetts has in place an 3. The Commonwealth should continue to EOTC effective mechanism intended to apply this general law to preserve the preserve abandoned railroad corridors physical integrity of abandoned that are not railbanked. railroad corridors that have the Massachusetts General Law (Chapter 40, potential to become part of a network Section 54A) passed in 1975 provides of publicly owned bicycle paths. that no local building permit can be issued for a structure to be built on land formerly used for a railroad corridor without a public hearing and permission of the Secretary of Transportation 4. In order to take advantage of the 4. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts EOTC, EOEA opportunities available for rail-trail should take the lead in developing and development, the issue of a trail distributing guidelines that clearly delivery system needs to be addressed. identify state, regional and local Who will own these corridors, where roles in the development, operation and will the funding for rail-trail maintenance of bicycle path facilities. development come from, who will build the trail and who will mange the facility? These questions need to be answered so that as railroad corridors become available, an organizational structure is in place to convert them into multi-use trails
Program Area: Land Use
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. Land use planning is accomplished 1a. Review state and federal land use EOEA-Conservation Services and MEPA under a variety of programs, including planning programs with the objective of Unit, DHCD, facility and property reuse plans, improving their support for bicyclists. GSA, RPAs/MPOs, cities and towns disposition plans, regional plans, (For example, the Massachusetts local master plans, local facility Division of Conservation Services might system plans, and targeted local area add language in their "Open Space plans. Local area plans include those Planners Workbook" that recognizes EOEA-Conservation Services and MEPA addressing open space and recreation, bicycling and bicycle facilities.) Unit, DHCD, GSA, RPAs/MPOs, cities and economic and community development towns. districts, enterprise zones and 1b. Encourage local governments to downtown revitalization programs. In undertake such a review relative to addition, land use planning proposals their land use planning laws, programs EOEA-Conservation Services and MEPA are frequently included in federal, and actions. Unit, DHCD, GSA, RPAs/MPOs, cities and state and locally mandated towns. environmental review processes. All 1c. Prepare literature on how land use the above programs include planning can positively influence requirements, guidelines, and "best bicycle facility planning. Incorporate EOEA-Conservation Services and MEPA practice" procedures. Some include in related literature as appropriate. Unit, DHCD, GSA, RPAs/MPOs, cities and mention of bicycles and bicycle towns. facilities, while others do not. All 1d. Distribute the literature through appropriate programs that deal with existing state agencies and land use planning should be reviewed associations such as the Massachusetts with the goal of giving proper Municipal Association, the recognition to bicycle facility issues Massachusetts Federation of Planning and needs. Consideration should be and Appeals Boards, the Massachusetts given to introducing or amending Planning Directors Association, and specific provisions that recognize the regional planning agencies. Notices role of bicycles in supporting land and articles can be incorporated in the use, transportation, economic regular publications of these development, energy savings, health organizations as well. and fitness, and recreation objectives.
Program Area: Land Use (continued)
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 2. Transportation Management 2a. Find successful examples where EOTC, BTP&D, RPAs/NPOs, CARAVAN, TMAs Associations (TMAs) and other business bicycle facilities have been installed partnerships that deal with in downtowns and other commercial areas transportation are increasing in and office and industrial parks. numbers in Massachusetts. These Publicize these examples through voluntary partnerships of businesses appropriate media. DHCD have considerable resources and can often tap public as well as private 2b. Distribute the literature to funds to undertake programs with broad existing TMAs and business partnerships benefits to members and the public. in Massachusetts. Follow up this TMAs are created to deal with distribution with an offer to send RPAs/MPOs, TMAs transportation problems. Business materials to interested heads of TMAs partnerships are created to deal with and business partnerships. a number of issues that often include transportation. TMAs have created bus 2c. Contact and work with public services, parking and access roads. officials that have programs that TMA Business partnerships have created and business partnerships use, e.g., parking and access improvements. Both STP highway and CMAQ transit matching types of organization have the fund programs and downtown EOTC/BTP&D, RPAs/MPOs, and TMAs potential to create bicycle revitalization and economic development facilities. For example a system of programs. Primary contacts are bicycle paths and related bicycle EOTC/BTP&D, Mass. Department of Housing parking facilities could be created in and Community Development, and Mass. an industrial or office park or area. Office of Business Development. Bicycle racks could be installed in various strategic locations in 2d. Present the material at various downtown or commercial areas through regular meetings of TMA and business the efforts of business partnerships. partnership officials, and continue a Two advantages these organizations program of public education, focused on offer is that they have ready access how business partnerships and TMAs can to business funding, which can be promote the creation of bicycle substantial in the case of large facilities, and the benefits of these corporations, and they are led by facilities for the businesses and their business leaders, who are often very employees. influential in their communities. Bicycle facilities, because they are relatively low in cost, and are relatively visible and attractive, may have a special appeal to business leaders as progressive, effective and responsible investments.
Program Area: Zoning
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. Land use development is controlled 1a. Prepare model zoning and EOEA, RPAs/MPOs, DHCD most firmly at the local level. subdivision provisions which require Zoning and other land use controls appropriate bicycle features in such as subdivision regulation are suitable projects (such as bicycle enforced by local officials, racks at retail stores), and which frequently involving extensive review provide the opportunity to negotiate of projects. Under zoning, the review for additional bicycle facilities (such process is becoming even more as lockers, showers and clothes extensive. For example, site plan changing rooms at office parks, and review and special permit requirements bicycle paths at industrial parks). allow for a negotiation process which Negotiation incentives could include could include bicycle facilities where such items as increased allowable EOEA, RPAs/MPOs, DHCD appropriate. Bicycle parking densities, or reduced dimensional facilities could also be required requirements such as road frontage or under general parking provisions for building setbacks and heights. any appropriate land use such as commercial and industrial 1b. Package model provisions in EOEA, RPAs/MPOs, DHCD developments. More extensive engaging materials and formats and facilities, such as lockers, showers, distribute to local and regional and changing rooms, can be negotiated officials throughout the state. Use for a project, as can paths or lanes both direct mailing and mailings to for bicycles as part of proposed associations of local and regional developments under review. officials. EOEA, RPAs/MPOs, DHCD Subdivision regulations and other non-zoning land use controls can also 1c. Convene a conference of local and include provisions requiring bicycle regional planning, zoning and facilities, along with design subdivision review officials, and standards for these facilities. Model provide examples of successful bicycle bylaws can be drawn from current facility improvements created through experience for the purpose of local zoning, subdivision and other facilitating the process for regulations. municipalities wishing to enact pro-bicycle regulations. 1d. Continue a program of public education, focused on how local government can require and promote the creation of bicycle facilities.
Program Area: Environmental Reviews
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. Environmental reviews provide an 1a. Draft model provisions that would EOEA, MEPA Unit, BTP&D, RPAs/MPOs, opportunity to introduce or enlarge deal with vehicle reduction and extent DHCD, Mass. Municipal Association. the role of bicycle transportation of paved areas, as well as types of into proposed projects. Environmental bicycle facilities and features to reviews are required for federally encourage bicycle use, that would be funded projects, and all state required or recommended. EOEA, MEPA Unit, BTP&D, RPAs/MPOs, projects over given sizes. DHCD, Mass. Municipal Association. Furthermore, some cities and towns 1b. Distribute these model provisions require environmental reviews of to cities and towns along with EOEA, MEPA Unit, BTP&D, RPAs/MPOs, proposed projects in their ordinances literature to encourage their adoption. DHCD, Mass. Municipal Association. and bylaws. Federal and state guidelines for conducting 1c. Work with state MEPA officials to EOEA, MEPA Unit, BTP&D, RPAs/MPOs, environmental reviews mention incorporate appropriate revisions to DHCD, Mass. Municipal Association. bicycles. Some local statutes also their guidelines and requirements. mention bicycles as elements that should be considered in environmental 1d. Publicize the need, opportunity, EOEA, MEPA Unit, BTP&D, RPAs/MPOs, reviews. and means to improve local DHCD, Mass. Municipal Association. environmental review through While mention of bicycles and related appropriate city and town-oriented facilities is sufficient to initiate publications. discussion for any given project, the guidelines and requirements for 1e. Hold a series of conferences around environmental reviews are often not the state, jointly sponsored by RPAs, sufficiently detailed to explain how BTP&D, MEPA and MDHCD to cover bicycles can make specific improvements to the state and local contributions to environmental environmental review processes and objectives, such as reducing vehicle their results. miles of travel and amounts of pavement needed, and providing features to ease or encourage bicycle use. It would add to the effectiveness of such provisions if monitoring and enforcement procedures were included. There is a need and opportunity to introduce such detailed provisions in both state (MEPA) requirements and guidelines, and local laws. These provisions would list specific features or facilities that should be included in a project, and would outline ways project monitoring would occur to insure that objectives were met.
Program Area: Bicyclist Education
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. A variety of curriculums and 1a. Implement a comprehensive, DOE, MDPH, GHSB Community Traffic approaches are being used to educate statewide school-based bicycle safety Safety Programs (CTSPs), PTA/Os, local children in the Commonwealth about education program for children. A health departments and prevention bicycle safety and the importance of bicycle safety education program centers, hospitals, Health Maintenance helmet use. They include school integrated into school health and/or Organizations (HMOs), police assemblies, videos, bicycle rodeos, physical education curriculums has the departments. public service announcements (PSAs), greatest potential for reaching all helmet promotion programs, and various Massachusetts children. For maximum safety materials such as posters and effectiveness, the program should fliers. There is a need for a more include on-bicycle as well as classroom consistent and comprehensive instruction. It would be part of a educational effort, reaching a greater comprehensive traffic safety education number of children. There is also a program that would begin in the primary need to educate teenage and adult grades with school bus and pedestrian bicyclists. These education efforts safety and progress through bicycle should focus on following the rules of safety education for older elementary the road when riding in traffic, being and middle school students to driver's visible, and using appropriate safety education for teenagers. equipment, including helmets. 1b. Develop and evaluate a model GHSB, CTSPs, PTAs, police departments, program for adult bicyclist safety bicycle organizations, service training and education. A variety of organizations, others efforts will likely be needed to reach adult bicyclists. Possible approaches include distribution of safety materials at bicycle shops, "bicycle to work" and "family bicycle ride" events that also provide opportunities for education, inclusion of bicycle safety messages on local bicycle maps, articles or letters to local newspapers, involvement of local bicycle clubs, etc. Local law enforcement officers can also play a role in educating (and motivating) adult bicyclists. A bicyclist education campaign directed at adults would be tied to a larger motorist education and public awareness campaign, as well as to greater enforcement of traffic laws for bicyclists and motorists. Develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a model program at the local level for improving the skills and riding practices of adult bicyclists.
Program Area: Motorist Education
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. There is a need to educate 1a. Develop a "Share the Road" campaign BTP&D, GHSB, MBSA, RMV, public and motorists in ways to effectively and to increase motorist and bicyclist private sector organizations safely share the road with bicyclists education. Such a campaign could be started at the state level and then extended to communities. PSAs, brochures, billboards and a variety of other media could be used to carry out the campaign. This could be centrally organized by the Massachusetts Bicycle Safety Alliance (MBSA) so that many state and local agencies and coalitions BTP&D, GHSB, MBSA, RMV, public and could join. Media support would be private sector organizations needed, and use of incentives should be considered. 1b. Educate motorists through the driver license process and driver training programs. Another method of reaching motorists is through information contained in driver's license manuals and through incorporating bicycle safety and "share-the-road" messages into statewide driver education training. Both the manual and the training should include questions relating to bicycling as well as more specific information on operating a motor vehicle on roadways where bicyclists are present. Reminders in the form of posters or brochures can also be placed in the information centers at RMV offices. Materials could be included with any mailings from the RMV. 1c. Enforce traffic laws, targeting Police departments those which improve motorist/bicyclist interaction. Enforcement of traffic laws will lead to greater understanding of the laws by motorists and bicyclists.
Program Area: Bicycle Helmet Use
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. Even though the Massachusetts 1a. Continue to promote public GHSB, MDPH, MBSA, DOE, and others. bicycle helmet law for children ages awareness and acceptance of the current 12 and under has had widespread statewide helmet use law. When the positive impact, some parents and initial helmet law was passed, little children remain unaware of the law, funding was made available for thus reducing its overall promoting public awareness and effectiveness in preventing deaths and acceptance of the law. Despite limited reducing head injuries from bicycle funds, GHSB, the Massachusetts crashes. There is a need for continued Department of Public Health, and the and expanded education for children as Massachusetts Bicycle Safety Alliance well as their parents about the have all led active campaigns to state's bicycle helmet law. In promote helmet use and make helmets addition, there is a need to continue more available and affordable to to promote helmet use among bicyclists children. These efforts will need to be of all ages. continued and even expanded in the future, as many children still are not wearing helmets. Educating parents GHSB, MDPH, MBSA, DOE, and others. about the importance of their child always wearing a helmet when bicycling should be a key component to the campaign. Pediatricians and other medical professionals can assist in the effort. 1b. Promote helmet use among bicyclists of all ages. The majority of bicyclists injured and killed in traffic collisions are teenagers or adults, and helmets can protect these riders as well. Efforts to promote the voluntary use of helmets by bicyclists not currently covered by the statewide helmet law should be expanded. This might include, for example, developing posters and fliers that target adult riders, working with colleges and universities to promote helmet use among students as well as staff and faculty, and working with bicycle shops to make available a greater variety of low-cost helmets.
Program Area: Enforcement
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. There is a need for enforcement of 1a. Provide training to law enforcement GHSB, MDPH, State Police; local police rules-of-the-road when bicycles and officers. State and local law departments and other agencies. motor vehicles are operating on the enforcement agencies should be same or intersecting roadways and encouraged to incorporate bicycle other facilities. Bicycle enforcement enforcement into their training and pertains not only to the education programs. Programs should rules-of-the-road movements made by address the rights and responsibilities bicyclists, but also to the way of both bicyclists and motorists as motorists share the road with road users, along with effective bicyclists. Helmet use by child approaches for bicycle law enforcement. bicyclists is another enforcement Training videos such as the helmet issue. The vast majority of bicycle video produced by the Newton Police law enforcement is done at the local Department (with GHSB funding) or the GHSB, MDPH, State Police; local police level and requires commitment by League of American Bicyclist's "The Law departments and other agencies. community law enforcement officers. is for All" video can help to educate There is a need for educating law as well as motivate law enforcement enforcement authorities, including officers. State Police, about the need for bicycle law enforcement as well as the 1b. Educate bicyclists about their GHSB, MDPH, State Police; local police rights of bicyclists using roadways. responsibilities. Along with departments and other agencies. education, law enforcement can also play an important role in educating bicyclists about their responsibilities as road users. Bicyclists need to feel that it is important for them to obey traffic laws. 1c. Review current status of Massachusetts General Laws pertaining to bicycling. If needed, recommend changes in the statutes to make them easier and more compelling to enforce. Develop information sheets that summarize and clarify the law for motorists and bicyclists as well as law enforcement officers.
Program Area: Enforcement (continued)
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. There is a need for enforcement of 1d. Promote police-on-bicycles GHSB, MDPH, State Police; local police rules-of-the-road when bicycles and programs. The concept of departments and planning agencies. motor vehicles are operating on the police-on-bicycles is growing in same or intersecting roadways and popularity in Massachusetts. More other facilities. Bicycle enforcement communities have established police pertains not only to the bicycle units. The Massachusetts State rules-of-the-road movements made by Police have police officers on bicyclists, but also to the way bicycles, as does every town on Cape motorists share the road with Cod. Police-on-bicycles can be a very bicyclists. Helmet use by child effective way to enforce GHSB, MDPH, State Police; local police bicyclists is another enforcement rules-of-the-road for both bicyclists departments and planning agencies. issue. The vast majority of bicycle and motorists. They may also help to law enforcement is done at the local support community policing activities. level and requires commitment by community law enforcement officers. 1e. Involve local police whenever There is a need for educating law bicycle facility planning is being done enforcement authorities, including within a community. Local officers tend State Police, about the need for to know where bicycle-motor vehicle bicycle law enforcement as well as the crashes occur and the underlying rights of bicyclists using roadways. conditions, and are thus in a position to make informed comments regarding facilities. Involving local police in bicycle facility planning can also help educate and motivate the officers concerning bicyclist needs and safety.
Program Area: Use of Bicycle Accident and Injury Data
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. Bicycle injury and bicycle-motor 1a. Strengthen statewide reporting of EOTC/BTP&D, State Police, local police, vehicle accident data should be bicycle-motor vehicle accidents. A MDPH, RMV, and GHSB. examined at both the state and local uniform accident report form is used levels to identify needs and help statewide. Although there is known guide countermeasure and program underreporting of single vehicle development. The data may also be used bicycle accidents, this is true in for program evaluation. every state. Make periodic contact with police agencies to maintain EOTC/BTP&D, State Police, local police, consistency of bicycle accident MDPH, RMV, and GHSB. reporting. 1b. Track bicycle-motor vehicle accidents. Provide MHD Bicycle-Pedestrian Program staff with annual summaries of bicycle accident soccurring in the state and examine the data to detect trends, new problems, EOTC/BTP&D, State Police, local police, and possible countermeasures. Apply the MDPH, RMV, and GHSB. same process to certain local jurisdictions where there is considerable bicycling. Encourage local agencies to use accident typing techniques to further enrich the data. 1c. Supplement accident data with hospital injury data. Highway departments generally rely on police-reported motor vehicle accident data for information on roadway safety. However, a majority of bicyclists' injuries result from falls or other non-collisions that do not involve a motor vehicle. To better understand the safety needs of these bicyclists, examine hospital discharge data and track them along with the statewide accident data. Hospital data can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of state and local safety and helmet promotion activities.
Program Area: Use of Bicycle Accident and Injury Data (continued)
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. Bicycle injury and bicycle-motor 1d. Implement GIS techniques as BTP&D, State Police, local police, vehicle accident data should be appropriate, to track bicycle accident MDPH, RMV, and GHSB. examined at both the state and local locations and injury severity. levels to identify needs and help guide countermeasure and program 1e. Provide training related to BTP&D, State Police, local police, development. The data may also be used accident reconstruction and typology. MDPH, RMV, and GHSB. for program evaluation. .
Program Area: Bicyclist Safety: Communication and Networking
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. Currently many agencies are engaged 1a. Update and widely disseminate the GHSB, MDPH, MBSA, and EOTC/BTP&D in bicycle safety education and Bicycle Safety Resource Kit developed enforcement activities in by MDPH. The update should include the Massachusetts. They include the latest information on key agencies, Governor's Highway Safety Bureau, organizations, and individuals engaged Massachusetts Department of Public in bicycle safety activities, and be Health / Injury Prevention and Control made available "on-line" so that it can Program, the Bicycle Safety Alliance, be easily modified and expanded. GHSB, MDPH, MBSA, and EOTC/BTP&D and a variety of local agencies and programs. There is clearly a need to 1b. Establish an on-line user group for facilitate timely communication and quick and easy sharing of bicycle sharing among these various groups, to safety information. GHSB is developing benefit from each other's experiences a Web site that will include bicycle and expertise as well as to pool safety information. The user group resources and talents. The Bicycle might be modeled after the Bicycle Safety Alliance has fulfilled this Coalition of Massachusetts' on-line role in the past, but additional group, and used for (a) describing new resources may be needed to expand its programs, activities or materials, (b) activities. announcing upcoming meetings, GHSB, MDPH, MBSA, and EOTC/BTP&D conferences, or other events of interest, (c) providing updates on pertinent legislation, (d) posing questions for others in the group to answer, (e) identifying funding opportunities, (f) seeking collaborators. 1c. Host an annual bicycle safety conference to facilitate networking and sharing of ideas and programs.
Program Area: Bicyclist Safety: Program Coordination and Leadership
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. There is no single focal point for 1. Several approaches can be taken to Massachusetts General Court, Governor's bicycle safety education and improve overall program coordination Office, GHSB, MDPH, MBSA, and BTP&D enforcement activities in the state, and leadership. One approach is to nor an individual advocate at the formalize and expand the role already state level responsible solely for being played by the Massachusetts bicycle safety. At both the Governor's Bicycle Safety Alliance. The Alliance Highway Safety Bureau (GHSB) and the could have a paid director able to work Massachusetts Department of Public full-time on bicycle safety issues. Health (MDPH), bicycle safety is one This person would be responsible for of many other program areas. There is coordinating bicycle safety activities a need for a more defined focus to the by the Governor's Highway Safety state's bicycle safety activities, Bureau, Department of Public Health, with leadership that can provide and others, and would provide overall longevity and continuity to its many leadership, direction, and continuity bicycle safety programs. to the program.
Program Area: Bicycle Facility Design
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. There is a need for uniform 1a. Continue to recognize the Guide for MassHighway/BTP&D and other state and guidance in the design of bicycle the Development of Bicycle Facilities local agencies facilities. (AASHTO, 1991) as "the primary design reference for designing bikeways". This document is in the process of being revised. When the new Guide is available, obtain copies and distribute to all town/city engineers and public works departments, as was done with the 1991 Guide. 1b. Continue to incorporate bicycle BTP&D facility design guidance, into the MassHighway Design Manual,.
Program Area: Bicycle Facility Design (continued)
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 2. Most actuated traffic signal 2. MassHighway and others should adopt MassHighway/BTP&D, MDC, cities, towns, systems in the Commonwealth do not standards for the detection of bicycles and other appropriate agencies detect bicycles. When no motor by actuated traffic signal systems. vehicles are present at a leg of an MassHighway/BTP&D, municipalities, and intersection where a bicyclist is other agencies who own and operate waiting, the traffic signal is not traffic signals on public ways in the actuated. The bicyclist choices are Commonwealth. to wait for a motor vehicle to arrive to actuate the signal or to run the light. This situation is inconsistent with Massachusetts General Laws which recognize bicycles as vehicles and afford bicyclists the same rights as motorists. 3. The AASHTO Guide notes that bridges 3. Provide appropriate treatments to MassHighway/BTP&D, MDC, local can serve an important function by improve bicycle travel across bridges. Departments of Public Works, and other providing bicycle access across Such treatments may initially include agencies with bridge barriers. Some bridge features, signs to alert bicyclists to surface design/construction/maintenance however, may be unsuitable for conditions. Other longer term responsibility. bicyclists; these are, according to treatments may include: retrofitting AASHTO, "open grated metal decks found existing bridges to improve surface on many movable spans" and "certain conditions for bicycling; and bridge types of expansion joints that may construction and reconstruction cause bicycle steering difficulties." projects that incorporate surfaces more compatible with bicycle travel, specifically in bicycle travel paths, and provision of greater operating space.
Program Area: Construction and Maintenance Practices
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. Bicycles need to be accommodated in 1. Develop bicycle-oriented State agencies, utility companies, construction areas. construction criteria. cities and towns, state and local police, bicycle organizations 2. Provide appropriate signing and 2. Use wet skid-resistant pavement MassHighway, MDC, other state agencies, striping during construction and as markings. cities, towns, and others involved in part of ongoing maintenance. signing and striping. 3. The needs of all transporttation 3a. Continue current grate replacement State, local, and other roadway/bicycle modes, including bicyclists, should be program to incorporate bicycle-safe path maintenance agencies. accommodated in sweeping and drainage grates. Ensure proper cleaning of maintenance policies and practices. catch basins to reduce the formation of standing water and surface irregularities. 3b. Provide proper vertical and State, local, and other roadway/bicycle horizontal clearances. Trim vegetation path maintenance agencies. to provide visibility of signs, sight lines, and lateral space adjacent to facilities. 4. Improved railroad crossings can 4. Encourage railroad and other Railroads, state and local roadway better accommodate bicycles. personnel to consider bicycle use in agencies design/maintenance of railroad crossings. Provide design guidance on railroad crossing treatments to accommodate bicycles.
Program Area: Tourism
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. Bicycle tourism is a source of 1a. Continue to update, print and MOTT, RTCs, the tourism industry, substantial revenue in several states. distribute State Bicycle Map. cities, towns, chambers of commerce, The industry is developing in and others. Massachusetts, and there are a few companies which are realizing part of 1b. Develop a multipage brochure as a MOTT, RTCs, the tourism industry, the business potential of bicycling. companion piece to the State Bicycle cities, towns, chambers of commerce, Other businesses outside the state are Map that is oriented to the needs and and others. also involved in bicycle tourism in interests of the bicycle tourist. The Massachusetts. Developing a stronger brochure could include information on bicycle tourism business within the lodging, bicycle attractions and tour state would increase revenues realized operators in each region, and bicycling by the Commonwealth. safety. It could also incorporate information already available from State tourism promotion offices in several regional tourist councils other states have developed materials, (RTCs) on bicycling and other outdoor programs and organizations for activities in their region. marketing bicycling attractions Massachusetts geographically is a throughout the state. Other states relatively small state, and different have also developed non-profit regions can be visited during the time organizations, sponsored by businesses period of a typical vacation. This and other organizations, which publication could highlight the major MOTT, RTCs, the tourism industry, promotes bicycling and tourism in the bicycling attractions in the state, cities, towns, chambers of commerce, state. MOTT can play a prominent role without requiring a vacationer to and others. in increasing the visibility of contact several separate RTCs for Massachusetts as a bicycle tourism information. destination and in capturing the revenue that it offers. These 1c. Continue to feature bicycling in promotion efforts could attract existing tourism promotions and funding from bicycle shops, tour publications. operators, lodging, and other businesses which stand to gain from more bicycle tourists coming to Massachusetts.
Program Area: Bicycle Promotion
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. Bicycling is a highly efficient The promotion of bicycling entails a means of transportation, has air comprehensive program that addresses quality benefits, and offers healthy, facility needs, safety education and enjoyable activity for people of all law enforcement, as well as ages. The National Bicycling and encouragement. The recommendations Walking Study has set a goal of below relate to areas not already doubling the percentage of trips made covered elsewhere. MassHighway, EOEA, DEP, DEM, RPAs/MPOs, by bicycling and walking, at the same other state agencies with time reducing by 10 percent the number 1a. Continue to work with local transportation and air quality of bicyclists and pedestrians killed communities, businesses, academic responsibilities, CARAVAN, TMAs, Smart and injured in traffic crashes. To institutions or other agencies and Routes, RTAs, the BayState Roads support this goal, Massachusetts will organizations to sponsor and promote Program, cities and towns. need to carry out its own statewide bicycle to work days, community bicycle effort to make bicycling a more rides, and other events to attract and attractive transportation option for encourage new bicyclists. MassHighway, EOEA, DEP, DEM, RPAs/MPOs, more of its people. other state agencies with 1b. Continue to produce state, regional transportation and air quality and local bicycle maps to help responsibilities, CARAVAN, TMAs, Smart bicyclists identify suitable routes for Routes, RTAs, the BayState Roads bicycling to desired destinations. Program, cities and towns. MassHighway, EOEA, DEP, DEM, RPAs/MPOs, 1c. Consider developing a statewide other state agencies with multi-media campaign promoting transportation and air quality bicycling. This might be linked to responsibilities, CARAVAN, TMAs, Smart other efforts, such as a Routes, RTAs, the BayState Roads "Share-the-Road" campaign. Program, cities and towns. 1d. Encourage designation of MassHighway Districts, RPAs/MPOs, MassHighway District, regional, and cities, and towns local agency bicycling contacts, and the establishment of regional and local bicycle advisory committees. 1e. Access existing and/or develop best MassHighway, DEM, GHSB, MDPH, BayState practices publications covering 4E Roads Program, and others activities (education, enforcement, encouragement, and engineering,) of potential value and application to state, regional, local, and other agencies. 1f. Develop a Clean Air/Bike-to-Transit EOEA, RTAs, RPAs/MPOs, TMAs, cities and pilot program, emphasizing reduced cold towns. starts. Evaluate and expand as appropriate.
Program Area: Transit and Multimodal Connections
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. There is an opportunity to increase 1a. Assess primary roadways leading to EOTC, RTAs, all agencies who own and both bicycle and transit use by transit stations and stops and other maintain public roads that provide improvements in three primary areas: multimodal facilities, and where links to transit centers, Massport, and appropriate, improve roadways to better Mass Aeronautics bicycle access to transit stations and accommodate bicycles. Ensure that new stops roadways leading to transit stations bicycle parking at transit stations and other multimodal facilities are and stops and designed to accommodate bicycles. EOTC, RTAs and all agencies that conveyance of bicycles on transit construct, own, or maintain bikeways. vehicles 1b. Ensure that all new bikeways and transit centers provide connections An increase in bicycling and transit between these facilities. Improve EOTC, RTAs, RPAs, cities and towns use will advance broader goals of the connections between existing bikeways Commonwealth, including improved air and transit/multimodal centers. quality, personal mobility, and quality of life. 1c. Provide/update inventories of bicycle parking facilities at all There are also opportunities to transit centers and major bus stops. improve bicycle linkage with other Survey the numbers of bicycles parked modes and modal centers. These modes at or near these facilities during peak include commuter ferries and other periods of bicycle use. Assess the maritime services, and demand for bicycle parking at these airports/airlines. Multimodal sites facilities based on existing use data include park and ride lots, and and an evaluation of potential demand. existing and proposed multimodal centers, such as South Station in Boston. 1d. Install additional bicycle parking EOTC, RTAs, RPAs, local police, cities facilities at transit centers and major and towns bus stops based on demand. At transit centers such as commuter rail and subway stations, provide bicycle racks in secure and convenient locations. Bicycle lockers should be considered especially at locations that are not continuously populated. Large covered, secured bicycle parking facilities may be more appropriate where warranted.
Program Area: Transit and Multimodal Connections (continued)
OPPORTUNITY/NEED RECOMMENDATION PROPOSED AGENCIES 1. There is an opportunity to increase 1e. Provide safe, secure, and adequate MassHighway, RTAs, RPAs, Massport, bicycle use for transportation by bicycle parking facilities at Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, and improving bicycle parking at park-and-ride lots, airports, and other others multimodal facilities. TDM and multimodal facilities. Enhancement funding may be applicable to such improvements. 2. Increase security at multimodal 2. Increase monitoring of parking sites RTAs, RPAs, local police, cities and sites. to reduce vandalism and theft. Locate towns parking facilities to increase surveillance. 3. There is an opportunity to increase 3a. Continue to increase the MBTA both bicycle and transit use by convenience of transporting bicycles on improvements in conveyance of bicycles trains as was done on October 1, 1996, on transit vehicles. when the MBTA expanded the number of outlets for obtaining "Bikes on the T" permits and hours when bicycles are AMTRAK and private bus companies allowed on trains. 3b. Encourage increased convenience of RTAs transporting bicycles on Amtrak trains and on private buses. 3c. Increase the number of RTA buses Ferry and other maritime operators equipped with bicycle racks, using as a model programs implemented by the Nantucket RTA and the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority. 3d. Increase the convenience of transporting bicycles on ferries and other maritime services 3e. Investigate potential adaptation of RTAs, other transit, and ferry existing rolling stock and other operators equipment to better accommodate bicycle conveyance. 3f. Assess bicycle/transit usage on a Responsible agencies regular basis to determine how system improvements can be provided.